Because of our experiences, we gain lasting memories of the beauty & extravagance we have been gifted

My passion to make things beautiful is woven into my everyday life at home, work, and play. I have always desired to create a way to make people feel special, wanted, and worthy through extravagance and beauty. As a creator, designer, planner of events and all things celebratory, I love to enrich the events of my clients with my presence by their side. Since a young age, I have always planned the little events of my life with meticulous care and paying close attention to the beautiful design and atmosphere I wanted to create. As I started planning weddings in 2015, I instantly fell in love. I received my training through the American Association of Certified Wedding Planners in 2016. Through the coaching of other seasoned planners and event industry vendors, I was able to blossom into who I am today!

When not sitting at the computer working on your detailed timeline or running around getting my steps on wedding day, I can be found sipping chai tea at a local coffee shop alone or with a friend or taking a run at White Rock Lake. I am wife to my first and only love, who has grown beside me since I was sixteen years old. Our love story is what inspires me to do what I do. On the days that inevitably question our love, I am able to  evoke the love we forged on our wedding day and remember to advocate for our relationship. As a mother to two teenage girls, I have also grown alongside them as they have taught me many things. They have become some of my best friends who enjoy Gilmore Girls marathons and talking their dad’s ear off as we spill the tea with him from our day!

My perspective on life is one of positivity and seeing the beauty around us through everything and everyone we encounter. When I come beside you in your planning process I will create the professional relationship that is essential but will also become the friend you need holding your hand along the way. As your wedding planner, I will not only advocate for you on your wedding day, I will advocate for your marriage as well.  These events of our life create the stories of our timelines, and I can’t wait to journey with you! 

Hi, I’m Deena Minter.

For the couple, it's always the First Look! It gets me every time and is a memory  every couple never regrets. That one moment you have with just the two of you to be present, to calm your nerves, and to breathe before you celebrate with all your people.

Favorite wedding DAY Moment

For the parents, it’s when they are about to walk their son or daughter down the aisle. It’s so surreal at that moment. All the hard work of not only planning the wedding day but nurturing the child that is walking into this new season. 

Questions I get asked the most

What is your worst Bridezilla story?

Surprisingly, I really don’t get any Bridezillas. My brides usually become good friends, and I am always sad when wedding planning is over.

What’s the craziest emergencies you have had?

*I had a fusion Vietnamese/American wedding where the bride wore an Ao Dai which consists of pants and long open tunic dress. At the outfit change from wedding gown to Ao Dai, we suddenly & shockingly realized the pants were left at home. Plan A: go to the nearby Vietnamese market to buy a pair. Closed. Plan B: we were the same pant size. I could give her my pants and wait in the bathroom. Willing but wouldn’t complete the outfit. Plan C: sew the tunic together. I took out my needle and thread and commenced the sewing. Literally saved the day so they Vietnamese family would not be mortified!*

*Funny, how most of my stories have to do with sewing…at another wedding, the mother of the groom’s dress zipper was completely broken, and I had to sew her up before the ceremony.*

*My bride became deathly sick on wedding morning with an awful stomach bug of some sort. She even took a trip to the emergency care clinic for some type of relief. They were no help to her. I arrived with my holistic knowledge and provided some charcoal supplements which eventually helped.*

*We had another vendor help us unload for set up, and they dropped the $400 acrylic seating chart accidentally. We brought out our emergency kit and super glued it and asked the florist for some extra greenery.Thankfully only the corner had to be covered. *